Spider-Man / Saveur / Korea shopping list

Yo peeps what's up I'm backkkk πŸ€—

Am no longer pissed with the mister. These two months has been trying for us cuz of this frequent travels without each other shit πŸ™„ on Thursday he's gonna fly AGAIN. To Korea this time πŸ˜ͺ

We had a mini date today! Finally watched Spider-Man The Homecoming πŸ€—πŸ€—

Initial plans to Paddy Hills was foiled cuz of my facial appt @ 7pm so we settled for Saveurrrr.

My Bangkok trip gfs introed this really cute app to take stupid photos like this!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Hahaha so dumb but eh so cuteeee

See I can pretend to be popo~

He liked this hahaha

I like deeeez

Hehehehe ❀️

We ordered the 3 course dinner set @ $29.90 (before top up)

My starter was Truffle Foie Gras ❀️❀️

Add on of $2! But it was worth every penny cuz it's quite a big piece 😬😬 #gainz lol

He had the salmon confit πŸ™‚ pretty good! The toppings were similar to the ones in their famed angel hair pasta

We both had duck confit for mains cuz what else should you even order at Saveur amirite πŸ’πŸ»

Hahaha but tbh I find that the standard dropped a wee bit. There weren't enough sauce for the duck, the duck wasn't seasoned enough and THEY CHANGED MY SWEET TANGERINES TO REGULAR ORANGES!!! ☹️☹️

Mash was still gud tho

I chose the Chocolate and Hazelnut cuz I don't like Pistachio Panna Cotta 😬

Tasted the same as before, good! πŸ’―

He had the salted caramel lava cake (add on of $5)

It was mehhh. Not worth the $5 I feel.

The flow was great tho!

Think it would work better if it was just regular chocolate or matcha


Hehhh I compiled my shopping list for him when he visits Korea, Myeongdong to be exact!

Note to self, gotta change $200 for him tmrw 🌚


Hope these help!

Saw this on Laneige's SG FB page and I can't help it. Told him to get it if the price is reasonable, if not just get the regular cushion πŸ˜‚

I loveeeee anything shiny or shimmery hahaha

The regular one!! So happy that I found my shade finally. My friend gifted me one in a very light shade and it put me off so bad πŸ˜‚ I looked like a freaking ghost so I didn't like it ever since.

Until a sales assistant gave me a sample size (super mini and cute) and she got the right shade for me!! I'm abit yellowish so she got me Sand πŸ™‚

I also want this!! Tried it at Laneige stores that day it makes a pretty smooth compact!

Hopefully it's cheaper there cuz this box of sheet masks costs $32.50 online here.

And I love Nature Republic's sheetmasks personally! Heh.

Trying out the the πŸ₯‘ one!

Tried this before and it was good! (By good I meant my sensitive skin did not react badly to it)

My favouritesttttttt 🌹

Ever since my friend got me during his summer exchange to Korea, I fell in love with it.

I even bought a box of 10+10 from Taiwan.

Used around 5 pc and my dad threw the entire bag of skincare (ALL MY STASH FROM JB WATSONS/GUARDIAN SALES) away cuz he thought it was rubbish wtf I cri

Want to try this aloe vera one too!! Hehe.

Ok that's all I wanna get from Korea. Not too excessive right? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


Hehe brought my Cath Kidston bagpack out today!! 😬 LARVE IT.

It's so small and compact and yet it's spacious wth?! HAHAHA. I can stuff many nonsense in it liao weeeee

I love Bangkok sales ❀️❀️

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