Disappointed time and time again. Guess it's just men πŸ™„

You know how sometimes you love someone a lot and a lot. And they say that they love you, their actions show that they love you too. But then again, they choose to do things that you explicitly said will hurt. Not once, not twice, but again and again.

What am I supposed to do? If he won't change, then i must be the one to change my perceptions if not we will never reach a compromise right?

Or are these the flaws that I must be willing to accept? That some things just can't be changed.

What scares me the most is that I no longer feel fear or paranoia or anger when a relationship reaches a bump like this.

In fact I feel calm, indifferent and ηœŸηš„δΈη—›δΈη—’.

I feel that I can just detach myself from it and start all over, or be alone again.

Or maybe I'm just asking for too much.

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